Service Times

Indoor | Outdoor


  • 9:00 AM
  • 10:30 AM

Social Media



Want to listen to a message from a previous week? No problem! Access messages on Spotify, iHeart Radio, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast. Search for "Imperial Beach Church". Now you can listen in the comfort of your car, in traffic, at home, really anywhere, anytime.

Address & Parking

536 13th St #1 Imperial Beach, CA 91932 [Directions]

Parking is easy! We have four different lots available for you so that you don't have to drive in a circle for half an hour looking for a parking spot! We have signs and parking volunteers on-site ready to help.

New Family Pre-Registration

To help you breeze through the kids' check-in when you arrive, please complete the form locatedbelow and plan to arrive at least 15 minutes before the service time starts to allow time to check-in, grab some coffee, and make your way to the adult services in the auditorium.

**If your child requires individualized support to participate in kids or students ministry, please contact the Hand-over-Hand ministry director.